Sectarian strife and incitement is a lethal weapon that tears societies apart from within, making tampering with the unity of society more dangerous than any political or military conspiracy.
“Charitable” volunteering team Abqaq shocks the world
On 10 March, a “charitable” volunteer team called “Abaq” shocked the world with a video showing its members distributing dates to fasting people, accompanied by a disgusting sentence:“Alawi has the right to live in his grave in peace.” This video came after Takfiri armed factions affiliated with the current authority committed horrific massacres against civilians in the Syrian coast.
Reactions around the world
There were many cases of condemnation and disapproval on social media for this heinous behaviour
On the other hand, a number of activists in Raqqa responded to Abaq’s voluntary teams by publishing papers that read, “All Syrians have the right to live in peace.”
Sectarianism. The weapon of destruction that tears societies apart
Sectarian strife is not just words thrown into the air; it is a fire that ignites hearts and burns nations. It is a soft, bloody weapon, the sound of which is heard everywhere, leaving cities and neighbourhoods empty of their people and the warmth of life.
Today, Syria – which has always been the cradle of civilisations and diversity – is plagued by cacophonous voices coming from outside its borders and, unfortunately, from within it as well, trying to sow discord among its people. Voices that know nothing of the pain of mothers who have lost their children to hatred, or the suffering of families who have been displaced by malicious words uttered by malicious hands behind screens. Those who incite do not see the blood that is shed, the homes that are reduced to rubble, or the friends who become enemies overnight because of their lies.
Sectarian incitement: A disease that eats away at the body of the nation
Sectarianism does not come out of nowhere; it is a malignant tumour fuelled by vested interests and deep-seated hatreds. It starts with a word here, a rumour there, and then turns into a huge rift between the sons of one nation. It is a direct invitation to destroy everything we have built together, every wall we have grown up next to, every street we have laughed on, every hand we have shaken with love.
In Syria, fraternity and social coexistence have always been a testament to the country’s richness and cultural diversity. Neighbours shared their joys and sorrows without asking about their sect or religion. But sectarian incitement has come as a dangerous disease that tries to make people look at each other with suspicion instead of respect, turning old friendship into hatred fuelled by ignorance and manipulation of minds.
The law pursues seditionists
Many governments have realised the seriousness of sectarian incitement and have begun to deal with it seriously, not only to preserve social peace, but also to prevent their territories from being used as platforms for incitement and inflammation. We have already seen how many of those who were spewing sectarian rhetoric on social media have clearly changed their tone, for fear of legal prosecution, after they realised that sectarianism is not just a game of words, but actions that are punishable by law.
How do we silence these voices?
Silence is not a solution to those who sow discord; we must confront this phenomenon in all possible ways. We must be aware that those who spread hatred do not want the good of Syria or its people. We must stand united, not as sects and denominations, but as citizens united by love of the country and concern for its future.
We must extinguish the fire of sectarianism with honest words, by reminding each other that our differences are our strength, not our weakness. The national media must play a role in countering these subversive campaigns, not become a platform that repeats what our enemies want us to hear. The law should impose strict penalties on those who spread hatred among the people of Syria.
Because Syria does not need more wounds, it needs someone to heal them. It does not need those who divide its people, but those who unite them on one word: The homeland above all, and humanity above all.