» Articles » Massacres Against Alawites » Brabishbu Massacre – Where Terrorism Takes on Simplicity
Map showing the village of Prabhshabo and its surroundings

Brabishbu Massacre – Where Terrorism Takes on Simplicity

Brabishbu is a Syrian village in the Bahluliyah district of Latakia, located on a hill between 150 and 200 metres above sea level, and is considered a model that reflects the heritage and civilisation of the Syrian coast. The village’s residents are known for their simplicity and kindness, and most of them belong to the poor class.

The massacres of the Syrian coast struck this town

In early March 2025, Brabishbu was hit by tragic events as part of a series of massacres targeting Alawite civilians on the Syrian coast. According to multiple reports, armed groups carried out massacres in the village, killing many unarmedresidents and displacing the rest of the village’s inhabitants into the forests. Field sources reported that most of the village was burned, including property and cars, amidst the residents’ cries for help.

These massacres come in the context of a systematic ethnic cleansing campaign against Alawites in the Syrian coast, where the number of documented civilian deaths has exceeded 1,500, with actual figures likely to be higher.

In a filmed interview, a female survivor from Brabishbu described the atrocities committed against the villagers, citing widespread killings and looting. This testimony sheds light on the scale of the tragedy experienced by the villagers and reflects the suffering inflicted on civilians during these bloody events.

Another video documented by another woman shows the bodies of the martyrs collected on the road. According to the woman’s description, the General Security of the new Syrian authorities is picking up the bodies and transporting them by tractor, in what appears to be an attempt to bury them en masse or hide them.

It has been verified by specialists that the above video was indeed taken in the village of Brabishbu

Blind hatred and brutality targeting innocent people, not criminals

It is clear that what happened in the village of Brabishbu was the result of blind hatred against unarmed, innocent and defenceless people. While some describe it as an act of revenge, others see it as an attempt at systematic ethnic cleansing carried out by some parties present on the ground, which has victimised innocent people.

These events demonstrate the urgent need to protect civilians and hold those responsible for these crimes accountable, while providing guarantees that such tragedies will not be repeated in the future.

Names of the Victims of the Treacherous Massacres in the Village

Below is a list of the victims of the massacres in the village, as reported by field sources. Unfortunately, no official lists of the martyrs and missing persons from the Syrian coastal massacres have been released.

We were unable to gather detailed information about everyone on the list, only about some. It is worth noting that each individual played a role in society—some were doctors, some were teachers, some were professors and researchers, while others were farmers, laborers, nurturing mothers, and more. They were all raised by the orchards of this humble village and within its ancient stone walls.

Yet, the brutality of the ignorant terrorists did not differentiate between people, taking the lives of everyone who breathed. May mercy be upon the souls of the martyrs.

Samir Shaheen
Jaber Shaheen
Nader Shaheen
Ayham Shaheen
Mohammad Shaheen and his father
Dr. Suleiman ShaheenDoctor
Suleiman Khaddour Shaheen
Saeed Yahya ShaheenMissing child
Dr. Ramy ShaheenProfessor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering Technologies – Ashur University in Baghdad – Martyred along with family members
Kinan Shaheen
Jaber Youssef
Amjad Youssef
Samer Youssef
Ibrahim Jassem Youssef
Ibrahim Hassan Youssef
Tamam Youssef
Samer Youssef
Bashar Ibrahim YoussefWith his wife
Mohammad Habib Saqour
Ali Saqour
Hassan Saqour
Ahmad Saqour
Amjad Saqour
Mohammad Jaber SaqourMissing child
Ali Wajih SaqourMissing
Mondher SaqourWith his children
Yahya OthmanWith his wife
Najm Othman
Samer Abdullah
Samr Abdullah
Yahya Abdullah
Baha Abdullah
Ammar Abdullah
Yahya Hamdi Abdullah
Ayham Saad Eddin
Ali Murshid Saad Eddin
Ali Saad Eddin Abu Nizar
Sheikh Yahya Hassan Abu OmranSheikh
Ghadir Hassan
Kamel Deeb
Rana Mahmoud
Waseem Issa
Hussam Issa
Amir Issa
Suleiman Al-Madhoun
Bassam Suleiman Al-Madhoun
Ali AqelChild
Ammar Aqel
Joudat Hilal
Sami HilalWith his wife
Ghaith Nizar Sharifa
Ali Nidal Khalil
Abbas Ahmad Khalil
Ali Suleiman Abu Mohammad
Hassan Salhab
Salma Umm Rabie
Ammar Halibiya
Riham YoussefSevere injury
Fata YoussefSevere injury

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